Exploring the Potential of ChatGPT Plugins: Enhancing Experiences, Overcoming Limits, and Driving Business Growth

2021 is over and we are summing it up.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has opened up a world of possibilities by allowing businesses to launch their plugins within the ChatGPT ecosystem. This means that thanks to OpenAI, any business now has access to artificial intelligence. It presents a unique opportunity for businesses to become much more efficient by utilizing cutting-edge technologies in their operations. Through extensive research, we have uncovered key insights into how ChatGPT plugins work and their transformative impact on user experience. In this article, we will explore the specific findings of our research and delve into the potential of ChatGPT plugins for businesses and developers.

ChatGPT Plugins technical structure

ChatGPT plugins consist of two essential components: a manifest file and the OpenAPI-format API Description.
  • The manifest file contains crucial information about the plugin, including its name, description, version, and developer contacts.
  • The API description defines the endpoints and parameters for seamless communication.
OpenAI maintains specific requirements for implementing ChatGPT plugins and conducts comprehensive reviews of newly added plugins. To gain a deeper understanding of these requirements and the thorough review process, we recommend reading our detailed article, “Developing ChatGPT Plugins: A Technical Overview and Requirements Guide“, which provides valuable insights into the technical aspects of ChatGPT plugin development.

Enhancing User Experiences with ChatGPT Plugins

By integrating plugins into ChatGPT, companies can enrich the user experience and provide highly specialized information. Our research shows that plugins can provide a wide range of functionalities, including:
  • real-time data feed capability (market quotes, sports event results, flight arrival boards)
  • personalized product recommendations
  • automated messaging and email exchange

The ChatGPT plugins system, developed by OpenAI, allows for the creation of plugins that can assist with selecting rental properties based on text descriptions, managing applications, organizing to-do lists, providing document and image recognition, and even integrating with external models.

Another advantage is integration with your business’s database. For example, a company with a large product database can develope the plugin to easily search and compare various product items based on specific criteria, even for non-structured data and if the user is unaware of these criteria. Such integration enables users to efficiently access relevant product information, enhancing the user experience. Integration with an internal database enhances the chat functionality by leveraging more accessible and structured data, enabling users to effectively access product information. This allows companies to offer their customers a more comprehensive and personalized experience. Whether users are looking for specific product features, conducting research, or comparing options, the plugin simplifies the process of information research and ensures access to the business knowledge base.

OpenAI Limitations and Drawbacks

While ChatGPT plugins have enormous potential, our analysis has revealed certain limitations that businesses need to consider.
  • Contextual window size, which refers to the amount of text input provided to the model, is a crucial factor. While newer models are working to increase the size of this window (for example, GPT-3 was limited to 4000 tokens, approximately 3000 words), such improvements still have limitations. In the latest GPT-4 versions, the context window has been extended to 8000 tokens and even an astonishing 32,000 tokens in the largest model, equivalent to about 25,000 words.However, it’s worth noting that integrating plugins reduce the effective size of the contextual window. This reduction can potentially affect how the model utilizes attention mechanisms during the conversation. A portion of the available tokens will be used for auxiliary information required for plugin functionality, thereby reducing the number of tokens available for context clarification, which can lead to a deviation from the intended topic and reduced conversation accuracy. When using plugins in ChatGPT, it’s crucial to consider this impact and find a balance between incorporating additional functionalities and maintaining conversation coherence and accuracy.
  • Moreover, users can only activate up to three plugins at a time, which means they must choose and prioritize their selection carefully.
  • It’s important to note that ChatGPT plugins have limitations on accessing random APIs, as they are constrained to predefined endpoints. OpenAI guidelines recommend using 2-3 endpoints only with a few parameters.
  • Furthermore, our study reveals the potential for the language model to interpret plugin data in a way that may deviate from the intended meaning. Businesses should take this interpretation into account, as it is not necessarily intentional distortion, but rather a result of the model’s interpretation of the input.
  • The developer and even the user cannot force the model to interact with a plugin. The model independently determines when it is necessary to engage with a plugin based on the information provided in the manifest and the API. As a result, there are no guarantees that a user utilizing a plugin will receive information from it.

Unleashing Business Opportunities

Our analysis findings reveal numerous exciting use cases for ChatGPT plugins across industries. Leveraging plugins, businesses can:
  • Provide specialized information and domain expertise to users, fostering a deeper level of engagement.
  • Drive sales and conversions through personalized product recommendations, leading to increased revenue growth.
  • Automate tasks and processes, improving operational efficiency and productivity.
  • Enhance data analysis and reporting capabilities by aggregating information from various sources.
  • Users can not only consume information but also generate content through plugins: they can submit their reviews, give likes, and send messages with orders.
  • Plugins can enable two-way communication, allowing businesses to integrate ChatGPT capabilities (for example, users can control smart devices such as light bulbs, TVs, vacuum cleaners, or air conditioners through ChatGPT and receive reports on the performance of these devices).
  • Monetize plugins through premium features, subscription models, or strategic partnerships, generating new revenue streams. It is important to note that currently, monetization through the ChatGPT plugin ecosystem is not possible. However, the availability of user authentication capabilities in the API theoretically allows businesses to manage plugin access on their side, which technically enables plugin monetization.

The Future of ChatGPT Plugins:

Despite the existing limitations, the future of ChatGPT plugins is promising. As these advancements progress, creating plugins will become a widely adopted method for engaging users and facilitating interactions across platforms of all sizes.

We suppose future developments will focus on eliminating limitations, such as expanding the effective size of the context window. This expansion will enable deeper and more accurate conversations between users and the model. Additionally, if OpenAI allows for the simultaneous use of more than 3 plugins, it will further enhance the potential of the ChatGPT ecosystem.

Once these limitations are resolved, the creation of plugins will become a common approach to engage users by offering personalized experiences across diverse platforms. As ChatGPT plugins continue to evolve, businesses can expect increased opportunities for tailored interactions, improved user engagement, and enhanced customer satisfaction overall.


As an experienced web and blockchain development agency, AXIOMA recognizes the transformative potential of ChatGPT plugins by OpenAI. These plugins empower businesses to enhance user experiences, deliver personalized information, and drive customer engagement. By embracing ChatGPT plugins, companies can unlock new levels of satisfaction, growth, and differentiation.

Looking ahead, we expect OpenAI to continue improving the  ChatGPT plugin framework, eliminating limitations and providing more flexibility for businesses. The future of ChatGPT plugins offers immense promise, enabling monetization, expansion, and business development and growth. AXIOMA understands the importance of a strategic approach to leverage ChatGPT plugins effectively. By developing high-quality plugins that deliver unique value, businesses can transform and connect meaningfully with users. ChatGPT plugins also foster synergies between businesses, bridging the gap and empowering applications with specialized tools. These plugins allow businesses to integrate specialized functionalities, automate tasks, provide domain-specific expertise, facilitate personalized recommendations, and streamline workflows. These capabilities not only deepen user engagement and satisfaction but also open doors for new opportunities and monetization strategies.
Konstantin Rukin

Konstantin Rukin

founder, CFO

