TheBestCoin fork – decentralized digital blockchain-based currency
To develop and launch a new ASIC-sustainable blockchain that is based on Vertcoin fork with a with Lyra2REv2 PoW algorithm with controllable memory consumption.
To develop additional blockchain infrastructure: block explorer, public pools (p2pool), pool scanner, DNS seeder
Jun 6, 2023

- We developed Vertcoin fork based on the ASIC-sustainable PoW algorithm Lyra2Rev2
- We modified memory consumption parameters for Lyra2REv2 algorithm
- We integrated the difficulty adjustment algorithm, Dark Gravity Wave (DGW)
- We prepared wallets distribution kits for Linux, Windows, MacOS
- We launched and prepared Mainnet and Testnet
- We developed software for mining-pools
- We developed Blockexplorer
- We created a corporate coin website based on the WordPress

Technical characteristics:
- PoW algorithm: Lyra2/Lyra2REv2 with an ability to change memory consuming parameters
- Difficulty adjustment algorithm: Dark Gravity Wave (DGW). The difficulty changes on a basis of the last 24 blocks
- 2880 new blocks in the network
- Blocks are created every 2 minutes
- The maximum number of coins to be created is 2 200 000 000 BC
- PoW period is 17 years
- Block creation reward is 10000 BC.
- Block creation reward in halved every 110,000 blocks
Project support:
Technical documentation: installation, deployment, configuration, and project architecture description
Technology stack used within the development:
- C++
- Python
- JavaScript/Nodejs
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